True Blood – Season 7, Episode 10 – Thank You Review

true-blood-series-finale-sookie-husband-2The final ever True Blood episode aired on Sunday and it has left a bitter taste in the mouths of the enduring fans.

First here’s a little recap of episode 10:

We pick up exactly where we left off with Bill entering Sookie’s house and explaining his reason for not taking the cure. He says that “all paths have led him to this path”. Sookie and Bill converse then Bill asks Sookie if she could kill him – what fae called “the ultimate kindness”, of course Sookie thinks the idea is complete crazy.

Later, Bill is seen contemplating life when Hoyt and Jessica come back home, there is some tension between Bill and Jessica, but it turns awkward when Bill asks Hoyt if he’s going to make an honest woman out of Jessica – marriage, ultimately. There is awkward silence, then Jessica takes Bill upstairs and says that she often dreamed of getting married, but since becoming a vampire she gave up the idea of ever getting married. Bill adds that he was turned just before his own daughter’s wedding and wasn’t able to even be present. After a touching moment, Jessica concedes into the idea of marrying Hoyt who also agrees as well, as long as Bill is present. The end result is Jessica and Hoyt getting “married” that same day.

Before this, Bill talks with Andy whom he has decided to leave his estate for once he dies and that he true-blood-season-7-finale-recaptrue-blood-season-7-episode-10-billwould rent the place out to Jessica and Hoyt for one dollar a month, to which Andy agrees to. Word gets round Bon Temp, but only eight people turn up (Arlene, Andy, Jason, Sookie, Holly, Bill, Jessica and Hoyt). Andy says that since the state doesn’t recognise marriages between vampires and humans, in Bon Temp everyone will know that Jessica and Hoyt are married.

There was a moment when Bill showed signs of nearly exploding on them but thankfully the whole ceremony went by without a mess.

Before all of this, Sookie was is seen visiting Jason’s house where she meets with Bridgette for the first time. They awkwardly talk about her being there with Sookie saying that “The only way to wake up Jason is with coffee,” She makes a cup and enters Jason’s room who wakes up and they talk when phone calls interrupt their conversation – Bridgette brings Jason his phone for she sees Hoyt’s name flash on the front and she can’t bring herself to answer it. Sookie and Jason have a phone call from both Jessica and Hoyt about their upcoming nuptials.

After the whole wedding at Bill’s, Sookie gets a lift with Jason and seeing a connection between himself and Bridgette, she says that she approves for she kind of eavesdropped on her thoughts of Jason before. Jason and Bridgette are seen driving off to the airport with their story being unresolved.

Eric_northman_new_bloodNext we see Sookie in her house, thinking back to when she was small and hearing wise words from her grandmother many years ago. Sookie’s mind is made up for the future with Bill. She is seen later at night wearing a black dress and heading to the cemetery to meet up with Bill. He arrives and thanks Sookie for what she’s doing. Bill climbs into his grave that was there many years ago during the war. Sookie looks down at Bill and generates the fae-ball. She stares into it for several minutes which results in her not rendering herself human for the sake of Bill’s death. However, Sookie comes up with an alternative solution by creating a stake from snapping a shovel’s handle in half. She climbs into the grave and positions herself on top of Bill, who looks up at her.

After several “thank yous” and “I will never forget yous”, Sookie and Bill kiss one more time, before Sookie positions the stake over Bill’s heart, but she hesitates. Bill instead puts his hands on the stake and plunges it down into his chest. There is a moment between them before Bill shouts and dies in a burst of blood and guts. Sookie is seen crying uncontrollably for several minutes before calming herself and climbs out of the grave. She starts to fill the grave with her hands and walks off into the night back home.

Four years later …

We see Bill and Pam filming a commercial for New Blood that has been created (if you look close enough you will the author of the Sookie Stackhouse Series, Charlaine Harris in the scene). Bill and Pam are seen as CEO of the New Blood Company and claiming that they found a sample of Sarah’s blood which they synthesised and created New Blood. Pam is seen secretly keeping Sarah hidden in Fangtasia’a basement and charges vampires to feed on her. Sarah doesn’t have a happy-ending in all of this and is seen being haunted by the spirit of her former husband Steve.

Three years after that …

true-blood-series-finale-sookie-husband-2We see that Jason and Bridgette actually got together and had three children (so, they actually slept together in the end). Sookie is seen pregnant with her first child and is married to an unknown man. Everyone is still together – Andy and Holly, James and Lafayette, Jessica and Hoyt, Arlene and her vampire. Also, Sam and his wife arrive with their daughter and newborn baby son.

The last episode EVER of True Bloods ends on this happy note, Sookie is seen kissing an unknown man at the end that pans away from the group for they have gathered for Thanksgiving meal.

What was your take on the finale episode? Were you miffed on how it played out? Are you wondering why we never knew Sookie’s husband’s name?

Anyway, leave your comments and share this review on the last episode of True Blood.

Thank you

Silver Screen Sam

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