Supergirl S2E01 Review

Supergirl premiered yesterday on the 10th October on The CW, and it did not fail to impress. I am sure that most of you have seen the photos of Teen Wolf’s and Everybody Loves Some’s Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent/Superman, and that there were some misgivings if Tyler’s Superman would live up to Henry’s Superman. From what I have seen the criticism of Supergirl’s Superman was generally positive some even saying that is how Superman should be and not so reclusive and dark.

Once it came to light that Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman would only be in the first two episodes of season 2, but a number of other characters will be introduced as well such Miss Martian.


Anyway, the premiere of season 2 opened a couple of scenes before the season 1 finale. We see a pod flying through the city just as Kara, her friends and family are celebrating their victory, both Kara and J’onn fly after it making sure it doesn’t create more chaos in the city. The pod crashlands and Kara opens it to reveal an unknown young man played by The Vampire Diaries’s and Containment star Chris Wood, lying unconscious, soon to be revealed as Mon-El in later episodes. He is taken to the DEO where he is still unconscious but tests are being done on him.

We next see Kara preparing for a date with James Olsen just as a commercial spacecraft titled the Venture is launched into space, it suffers engine failure and descends back to Earth. We get our first glimpse of Clark Kent who is on the phone to the Daily Planet, he sees the news of the descending spacecraft and we see the infamous running scene revealing the ‘S’ and is next launched in the sky where he helps his cousin with the spacecraft.

Together, they find the main target to have been Lena Luthor, the new CEO of Luthor Corp after her brother, Lex, was convicted. Lena is soon attacked whilst taking a helicopter ride to an unknown location when mini-drones appear and start firing her but Supergirl and Superman both appear just in time to shield her from the bullets. Next we see Superman dismantle the remaining drones that were scattered about the city.

Kara and Clark are seen at the DEO where everyone is in awe of Superman, who humbling shakes everyone’s hands; Alex and Clark share a hug to which she informs her sister that he smells so nice. We also witness some tension between Superman and J’onn which doesn’t go unnoticed by Alex, Kara and Winn. In a ceremony where she renames the company L-Corp, she is attacked again by John Corben, the assassin.

Alex fights Corben and it’s impressive that she held her own getting the upper hand several times, meanwhile Supergirl and Superman stop a building from collapsing. Corben reveals that he is working for Lex before he is shot by Lena.

While at CatCo, Kara is deciding on what her future will be and decides to be a reporter for CatCo, which is supported by Cat who predicted that is what Kara was meant to be. Kara and James decided to keep their relationship friendly. Winn is formally hired to work with the DEO.


Near the end of the episode J’onn reveals to Alex that he was the one who found the Kryptonite and decided to keep it against the wishes of Clark, who wanted it all destroyed. At the show’s epilogue, at Project Cadmus, an unnamed woman portayed by Desperate Housewives’ Mary-Alice Young, actress Brenda Strong, revives Corben and begins turning him into a metahuman called Metallo.

The overall verdict of the premiere is positive one for the show still had the charm that resonated from the first season. The transition from CBS to CW was a brilliant choice for the CGI effects were more smoothly done rather than being stiffly put together. With the addition of Clark Kent/Superman which has been highly anticipated since the announcement many months ago and then when the actor was revealed it made the anticipation even worse. Although the premiere had some disappointing features such as the non-existence of Kara and James’ relationship that didn’t even start before it ended, plus the lack of focus on Mon-El, but the introduction of Lena Luthor portrayed by Merlin’s Kate McGrath, adds a certain mystery and danger that doesn’t even rival’s that Peter Facinelli’s Maxwell Lord who was a very lacking villian.

In all honesty I am glad that Supergirl allowed Superman to be on the show and that it didn’t take much of the spotlight from Supergirl but rather that he was there to help her rather than Kara helping Clark. This Superman was filled with optisim and hope and is willing to help others rather being brooding and reclusive. I do hope that this Superman is able to come back in future episodes.

I am looking forward to this season and after such a good premiere I am sure the rest of the season will great. I give the episode a solid 8 out of 10. Be on the lookout for another episode review soon.

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